كتاب شرح التحليل الانشائي لتخصص هندسة مدني Analysis of Structures

Analysis of structures
Analysis of structures
 كتاب شرح التحليل الانشائي لتخصص هندسة مدني
Analysis of Structures 
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hasan Zubydan
Professor of Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering
PortSaid University

محتويات الكتاب  –  Contents

Chapter 1

Statics of Structures

1.1 Supports and Reactions
1.2 Stability and Determinancy
1.3 Condition Equations
1.4 Cornputation of Reactions

Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction
2.2 Trusses Configuration
2.3 Condition Equations
2.4 Stability and Determinancy
2.5 Methods of Analysis of Simple and Compound Trusses
2.6 Method of Joints
2.7 Method of Sections
2,8 Complex Trusses
2.9 Graphical Method of Joints (Maxwell Diagram)

Chapter 3

Statically Determinate Beams and Frames

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Axial Force, Shear Force, and Bending Moment Diagrams
3.3 Relationship between Load. Shear, and Bending Moment

Chapter 4

Influence Lines for Statically determinate Structures

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Applications of Influence Lines
4.3 Distributed Load
4.4 Concentrated Load
4.5 Maximum Absolute Bending Moment

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